With-Me ecosystem provides and supports safe and secure seamless monitoring and persuasive guidance anytime and anywhere for healthier behaviours. With-Me ensures continuity of personalised assistance from lifestyle improvement to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention and care. By considering this large scope of use the With-Me system will work under a wide range of evolving constraints resulting from the shifts of
- responsibilities (consumer to doctor),
- stakeholders (lifestyle to care),
- functionalities and requirements, and
- business model (consumer market to reimbursed).
Consumers are increasingly considering health and wellness as an area they have to take personal responsibility for; they are becoming more pro-active. At the same time there are clear and proven benefits about self-monitoring and self-control [Quinn2010].
With-Me aims at providing a health prevention platform and personalized services in order to improve the general health condition and to prevent occurrence from a range of diseases. For that purpose With-Me is designed around three pillars:
- an embedded platform for multivendor nomadic sensors,
- an interoperable intelligent sensors for wellbeing monitoring and
- an open architecture for persuasive electronic services.
The result of the With-Me project will be a customizable, adaptive, assistive and yet secure training/supporting solution according the way a person prefers and needs. This personalized assistant is an interoperable ICT-based application that provides, mainly, seamless guidance and promotion of physical activity both indoors (in-home, gym club) and outdoors (joy parks, open-air exercising, children's playground, nature reserves, etc.) as well as healthy life (weight, diet, sleeping habits, and stress management).
With-Me technologies and applications are innovative as it can also guide, assist and motivate users during the care cycle.
While other projects focuses on a specific domain (sensors communication, knowledge gathering, etc), With-Me offers a complete (from sensors to end users) and open (standardized interface) solution.