
ARTEMIS Pre-brokeage Event

In 2014 the ECSEL Joint Undertaking is expected to launch its first Call for project proposals. To help with the preparation of drafting proposals and search for the right consortium partners, ARTEMIS Industry Association organises the ARTEMIS Pre-Brokerage Event in Brussels, Belgium. About 250 participants from all over Europe are expected to attend this event

Helsinski PBM

The With-Me consortium meets in Helsinki during the 28th and 29th of January.

I Annual Technical Review

The consortium will meet in Brussels on 17th June for preparing the first annual technical review that will take place on 18th June.

Newsletter N01.

This newsletter is focus on Market Innovation and Impact. This is the first of a series of periodic newsletter that will be sent to the Project stakeholders, thus contributing to the project dissemination and creating awareness on the project environment.

El proyecto With-Me está cofinanciado por el Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo